Send templated emails with a simple API

Create an email template with our markdown editor and then call our API to send customized emails with a few lines of code.

Try it Out

Enter variables in the textfields and see how simple it is to use our API.

# Hi {{fname}},

Thank you so much for trying out Emailr!

You can create an account [here](

Respond to this email with any feedback or questions, we read and respond to every email.


The Emailr Team

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 curl --location \ --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer API_KEY' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "tid": "v2EXQoNWc2TzAkkiOpO2", "to": "", "fillers": { "fname": "{{fname}}" } }'

Design and Send Emails with Ease

Create beautiful emails that are sent whenever you call our endpoint!

Use our markdown editor to write simple, beautiful emails.

Drop images into the editor to add more flair to your content.

Get detailed analytics on email open rates and grow your business


Launch Deal 🚀

We're offering a 66% Launch discount for the next two weeks. Sign up for a paid account and lock in that monthly price forever.




Best for indie small businesses who need an agile solution quickly.

3,000 Emails/Month

10 Templates

Plain Markdown Editor

Get started



Best for high-growth startups who need a solution built to scale.

15,000 Emails/Month

50 Templates

Plain Markdown Editor

Image + Gif Support

Remove signature

Get started

Need higher limits?

Don't worry, we're built to scale. Contact us for enterprise pricing

Never worry about your automated email stack again

Jump in with 0 commitment and immediately get the most out of a dev-friendly email api. Not ready to integrate? We personally read and respond to every email we get so don't hesitate to reach out